A downloadable game

Thy gods be happy was going to be a game inspired by a roblox game of all things called 'mount of the gods' I adore this game and I really wanted to try and make my own twist on the whole idea of having to manage your own resources while also meeting a requirement within a time limit to 'keep the gods happy'

One of the way ways I wanted to improve on the concept was to make it so not only can the main island you reside on expand but also other islands far out into the sea can appear, from small little sand patches to islands full of life with their own biomes and climate. 

It was highly ambitious and at this point while I was improving at my ability to make games the idea was far too ambitious and the code turned out to be mostly just spaghetti code making the game run poorly and making it really hard to me as someone still learning to add to the game without it becoming even more confusing

Some day I would like to tackle this idea again because I had loads of fun originally making it and it'd be great to see how much I've improved since then!

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